Mel's Foals
little Mel
has now given us seven very nice babies...
2017 ~ 20"
Black minimal pinto colt

Loadstar Wizards Mischief Managed
Sired by Lindisfarm
Tricksters High Wizardry (imp NZ)
2016 ~ 19"
chestnut/grey overo filly with a blue eye

Loadstar Warriors Ultimate Beauty
Sired by
RFM Boogermans Ultimate Warrior
2014 ~ 17.5" Black colt

Loadstar Pitch Black
Sired by Silver Fern Orion 143
2011 ~ 20.5"
Chestnut sabino overo colt

Loadstar Warriors White Noise
Sired by
RFM Boogermans Ultimate Warrior
2009 ~ 20" Chestnut
pinto colt

Wizard of Oz
Sired by Lindisfarm Tricksters High Wizardry
2007 ~
19" Silver bay filly

Wizards Exquisite
Sired by Lindisfarm Tricksters High Wizardry
2005 ~
17" Silver chestnut colt

Best Kept Secret
Sired by SC Caspers Lord of the Dance
Mel's page
|| Mel's Pedigree