Melodys Fire
bay with a star. 32.25"
DOB: 17 November 2001.
Registered MHAA, IMHR and AMHA (US).
DNA Parent Qualified.
: HHF Star Fire (imp USA)
Dam : Alamos Locomotion Bay Serenade (imp USA)

we purchased Mel I was thrilled, I had seen her for sale but thought she
was out of our reach… well here she is, a truly lovely natured little
mare with an outstanding pedigree.
bloodlines include some of my favourites such as Boones Little Buckeroo,
NFCs Fire and Ice and Little Kings Locomotion.
was shown as a youngster and did very well for her child handler in WA.
is such an easy girl to own, so good to do anything with, loves attention –
and although she is one of our smallest, she screams the loudest
and highest at dinner time!
Mel is a beautiful broodmare, she has given us lovely
foals and loves sharing them with her people :)

Mel is having a break from breeding for now, we may serve her again in

Full Pedigree
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