In 2015 we had two beautiful colts.
Loadstar Lets Party
Bay pinto colt
DOB: 26 September 2015
Reg pending MHAA & AMHA, Full US.
BH: 21" at wither.
Sadly we lost our second foal - an
outstanding buckskin pinto filly, so refined and pretty - the absolute
best of both her parents and everything I had hoped for in this cross.
RIP little girl.
Loadstar Wizards Playing 2 Win
Silver Bay overo colt
DOB: 27 November 2015
Reg pending MHAA & AMHA, Full US.
BH: 22" at wither.

Our 2016 - 3 little stunners :)


Loadstar Warriors Ultimate Beauty
Chestnut grey filly, 1 blue eye.
DOB: 7 September 2016
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA(US)
BH: 19" at wither.

Loadstar Rebel Muse
Chestnut tovero filly, with
1 blue eye.
DOB: 23 September 2016
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA(US)
BH: 22" at wither.

Loadstar Wizards Red White & Blue
Chestnut pinto colt with blue eyes.
DOB: 10 October 2016
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA(US)
BH: 22" at wither.
Sadly we lost a stunning bay pintaloosa at birth
this season, fortunately the mare has made a
full recovery. |

It was lovely to have a year of mostly drama free arrivals.

Loadstar Wizards Mischief Managed
Black colt
DOB: 3 December 2017
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA (US).
BH: 20" at wither.


Loadstar HR Game 2 Play
Silver Bay colt
DOB: 24 December 2017
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA (US).
BH: 22.5" at wither.

Loadstar Voltaires Candid Moment
Bay pinto filly
DOB: 21 January 2018
Reg pending MHAA and AMHA (US).
BH: 18.5" at wither.
We also had a bonus this year...
we were very happy to assist in the foaling down of
Anyssa Park Egyptian Fantasy for our good friend
Renee. |
Anyssa Park BG Kryptonite
Chestnut pinto colt
DOB: 2 January 2018
The first foal sired
by Twist since we purchased him and this little guy
is gorgeous!
Congratulations Renee, hes a stunner :)

It was a very sad season at Loadstar this year, we lost two foals and a
mare - we have never experienced a season like it and hope to never
RIP to Glenrowan Lucky Bye Bay Blues and her unborn foal :(
to Foals
