
Loadstar BG Lets Twist AGain
Black minimal pinto.
Reg (pending) AMHA (US) and MHAA.
BH: 17.5 inches.
Scott Creek Black Gold
Dam : Our Lil Dobbins Steppins Mooneclips

Our first Loadstar baby by Twist and he is SO
small. It would appear that Elle really does have two types of
foals, very tall, horse type babies by Wiz and Dice who is a Wiz
grandson - or tiny, very pretty and cute, but not as horse type, like
this little guy, by every other stallion.
Named "Lets twist
again" after his sire Twist - this little guy is almost the same
colour as daddy, just has a little spot on his side and a high
stocking on a back leg.
Ninja is a gorgeous boy, with excellent
movement, he is correct and super pretty, but tiny :)
He has a
gorgeous nature, loves attention and is very cheeky.
Ninja has
sold to a wonderful home with the lovely little girl Moe.

Extended Pedigree ||