Lindisfarm Tricksters High
National Champion
QLD State Supreme Miniature Horse Exhibit
QLD State Grand Champion
NSW State Champion
QLD High Point Champion
2x Top 5 Get of Sire MHAA Nats
(3rd & 5th) |
Loadstar Wizards Red White
& Blue
Flag has been shown over two seasons and his wins
include multiple State Grand Champions, Supreme exhibits
and consistent Champion classic head ribbons. |
Loadstar Lets Party
Lego (now called Party) has a fantastic show record with
Jackie, he is
consistently bringing home the broad ribbons. |
Loadstar BNO My Heart Sings
Luna has only been to a couple of shows, but has two top 5 from National shows,
she really should have been shown a lot more. RIP
beautiful girl. |

Loadstar Wizards Sweet
Griff has had an awesome show career
with many
Supreme Champions, Champions and
reserve champions. As well as 2 x High point champion!
Champion Classic head.
Griff did so well at all levels from local ag shows to
State and National shows. |
Loadstar TBM Romanticaa
From just 3 shows... NSW Foal Futurities : Supreme Champion mare/filly,
and Overall champion classic trot. MHAA Nats:
Top 5 (4th) in big class. IMHR Nats: Top 5 (4th)
in big class. National champion (1st) Classic Trot against 18 horses |

Photo by Hayley |

Photo by Leanne Milligan |
Loadstar Wizards Playing 2 Win
Player has some excellent wins to his name and continues
to have an amazing show career with the the Milligans. |
Loadstar Warriors White Noise
QLD AMHS Golden Buckle Supreme Exhibit of Show
QLD MHAA Foal Futurities Supreme Exhibit of Show
QLD IMHR Youngstock Show Reserve Champion Yoshi
has continued his show career in his new home including
National Grand Champion.

Photo by Amie. |
Glenmar Park Teddys Black
National Grand Champion
Multi Supreme Champions @ Royal shows
Victorian High Point Champion
Multi Supreme champions @ Barastoc HOTY |
Loadstar Wizards Song 2
National Champion & Reserve Grand Champion
Multi National Reserve Champion
National Reserve Champion - Liberty
Multi Triple-O-Rama Champion
NSW & QLD Classics Champion
NSW State Champion
QLD State Reserve Grand Champion |
Loadstar Wizards Dance Bay
B Dance
MHAA National Top 3 yearling filly
National Champion Progeny of miniature mare Dance now
attends pony club with her little people :) |

Dance and her big brother Kid -
taking MHAA National Champion progeny of miniature mare.
Photo by Horseography. |

Photo by Horseography. |
Loadstar He's A Wiz Kid
Toby (aka Kid) continues to do amazing things in the
ring with Di... Over the years he has taken many
National and State Grand and Reserve Grand titles in
both halter and performance. A genuine all rounder who
was also training in harness until he had an injury,
hopefully he will be back to good very soon. |
Loadstar Wizards Exquisite
National Champion AMHA Exhibit
National Champion AMHA filly
Champion Classic Head |
Loadstar Wizards Love
Jazz has Champions and Reserve champions to her name
from VERY limited shows, including placing in all breeds
classes. |
Loadstar Wizards Hifalutin Lady
While we had Cookie she placed Reserve Champion to her
sister Jazz at the limited shows they attended, she also has good placings in
colour classes and all breeds classes. |
Loadstar Dusk Til Dawn
Jette was shown very successfully as a colt with
Champions and Reserves to his credit.