Loadstar Cry Me A River
smokey black.
Reg (elig) AMHA (US), IMHR and MHAA.
BH: 17 inches.
: SC Caspers Lord of the Dance
Dam : Our Lil Dobbins Steppins Mooneclips

Named because for our last foal by River
we have once again got a colt...
This little guy is TINY, he has huge eyes
and a very dished head.
When he was born I thought he was silver dapple with blue eyes, but his
colour is now changing and he is actually -
silver smokey black, his eye colour is now slowly changing, just like
Rivers did.
Kirby ~ aka Tank ~ aka Pirate has not looked back since losing an eye as
a young foal, he is a mighty 27" of attitude. A lovely little boy who
just loves attention and takes ereything in his stride.
Update: May 2013 ~ We have found the perfect home for Kirby, one
that will shower him with attention and treat him so well :)

Extended Pedigree ||
