Almighty Ems Imogen Rose
Bay pinto,
DOB: 27/11/2010
DNA Parent qualified
Registered AMHA(US) and MHAA
Little Bridges Mystics Integrity
Dam :
Kotta Park Indiana Rose

was shown successfully by Pink Diamond Miniatures before producing
two lovely foals for Glenrowan Miniature Horses.
She has a lovely temperament - very easy to do anything with and
she is a real little sweetheart.
Image is a power house when she moves and is very correct in all ways.
We look forward to seeing the beautiful babies she will give us.

Image comes to us in foal to the lovely stallion
Hawk's Rebel Stand (imp USA), owned by Glenrowan miniature horses
and has given us a very pretty, leggy tovero filly, a full sister to the
colt pictured below.
